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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени времени. meeting the king molly and jack turned into a wide avenue that ( the green park in the centre of which ( king’s palace. through the grounds a little river (( the sunlight. the big city hall ( people. they ( offer the king their help in the search that (take . at first the children (can, ( (. all of a sudden all the people ((. looking up jack and molly ( king ( hall. they never ( kings before and they definitely liked this one. he (“every inch a king”, though at the moment he ( crown or velvet robes as the kings usually ( in the children’s story-books at home, but ( a very simple suit. the king ( silence (. he began ( people about the plans for searching which he and his councilors ( for so many days. “we want you ( corner of this country until the magic leaf (. but we have only a few days left before it (. as soon as you ( it, fire signals (. and when the glad news (, all the bells (.” such was the king’s order.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. led

2. stood

3. flew

4. sparkling

5. was crowded

6. came

7. was going to  take place

8. could not

9. see

10. was going on

11. stopped


13. saw

14. entered

15. have never met

16. was

17. was wearing

18 did

19 dressed

20. rose

21. fell

22. telling

23. were discussing

24. to search

25. will be found

26. will disappear

27. find

28 will be given

29. reach

30. will start


1. yes i do. because i can buy new things and i relax 2. i go shopping every 2 weeks 3. i like clothing shops, because i like buying clothes the most 4. yes, i mostly do 5. new shoes 6. no i did not 7.nothing 8 national costumes, flag of ukraine, magnets for the fridge, and stickers for cars

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