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Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в present simple или past simpele 1) your brother (to be) a teacher? -yes,he (to become) a teacher two years ago. 2)she (not to understand) the teacher at the last lesson. 3)you (to go) to the theatre? - not very often. usually we (to go) there once a month. 4)he usually (to sleep) well. but last night he (to sleep) badly. 5)as a rule i (to wolk) to the institute but yesterday i (to take) a bus

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is you brother a teacher, became 2)didn't understand 3) do you go to the theatre, go 4) sleeps, slept 5) work, took

Мне  кажется  что  это   потому  что  :   он  упал  и  у  него повредилось    что-то  вроде 

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