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Составить диалог на тему "покупка в магазине игрушек" от лиц: посетитель и продавец (на языке)

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Ответы на вопрос:

shop-assistant:   what can i do for you?

you: i would like to buy something for my little sister.

shop-assistant: well, how old is she?

you: tomorrow she will be 4.

shop-assistant: really? what about this pretty doll?

you:   oh, no! there are ten or fifteen dolls in our flat. they are everywhere: on the sofa, on the chair, on the

shop-assistant:   sorry, it's awful. well, what about this drum?

you: oh, no! it's so noisy!

shop-assistant:   let me see. oh, look! a teddy-bear.

you:   never! she has seven or nine taddy-bears.

shop-assistant:   well, i don't be puzzles?

you:   yes! wonderful! two no! three! how much do they cost?

shop-assistant:   three dollars.

you:   here you are.

shop-assistant:   well,   your

you:   thank you.

shop-assistant:   you are welcome!

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