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1. the bus (a.arrives, b.is arriving) at 7: 30 sharp. 2.my plane (a.leaves, b.is leaving) at 3: 00 pm on sunday. 3.the concert (a.starts, b.will start) at 7: 30 this evening. 4.the art exhibition (a.opens, b.will open) in may and finishes in july. 5.what time (a. does the film being, 2.the film beings). 6.christmas hoidays (a.are, b.will be) next week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the bus  arrives at 7: 30 sharp.2.my plane .leaves,  at 3: 00 pm on sunday.3.the concert starts      at 7: 30 this evening.4.the art exhibition opens  in may and finishes in july.5.what time does the film begin    6.christmas hoidays .will be  next week.

1arrives 2leaves 3starts 4opens 5does the film begin 6will be

Dear my mouse, please, come to my house. it's very nice! lost of love? country mouse

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