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1.over the years people have lived in thousands of different places and in countless different ways.yet no matter where they lived or how they lived, they have all depended on the earth for the things they have needed. they have all looked to the sun for warmth and light. 2. people have always been curious about the world. long ago people watched sunsets and suntises but no one knew why the sun rose or set. the few people who thought about it, believed the sun travelled around the earth every 24 hours. 3. though people today still use the sun to mark time and speak of sintises and sunsets, they know that the sun neither rises or sets. it is the earth that is moving. because the earth is a spher only a certain part of it faces the sun. 4. the earth never stay the same. to day people know that the earth moves around the sun. it takes it 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds to make one turn around the sun. предложения чтоб их было легко учить, не потерялся смысл и было соблюдение пунктов! ! 24

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Вот так. не за

1. we don't have to leave yet. we've got plenty of time. 2. she seems to be in trouble. we must help her. 3. our luggage is very heavy. we'll have to take a porter. 4. when you come to london again, you must come and see us. 5. the child hasn't recovered yet. it will have to stay in bed for another day. 6. they have a lot of work at the office so she is to work on saturdays. 7. you mustn't tell it to anyone. it's a secret. 8. he is very rich so he doesn't have to earn his living. 9. come on. we mustn't be late. 10. these old houses are to be pulled down in a few months. 11. the conference is to open in a few days. 12 you really mustn't make less noise. i'm trying to concentrate. 13. my brother is a milkman. he has to get up very early. 14. the doctor says you are to take these tablets three times a day. 15. mother is away so we have to look after ourselves. 16. the car broke down so we had to walk. 17. soldiers must disobey a superior officer. 18. how often do you have to buy petrol for the car? 19. i must speak italian very much since i came to rome. everyone keeps talking to me in english. 20. your temperature is a little high. you will have to stay in bed for the next few days. 21. when a fire broke everyone had to leave the building. 22. at present there is disagreement over how children must be taught to be polite. 23. they are to announce the winners on april 12th. it's scheduled. 24. i simply must have a holiday', said jean. i haven't had one for three years'.   25. i'm getting fat. i really must try to lose some weight, like the  

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