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30 ! напишите самый правильный перевод текста. (цифры писать полностью на языке). сразу говорю, нужен перевод человека, знающего на отлично, а не переводчик юзая переводить. текст: я делаю всё возможное, чтобы сделать свой день полезным. мой день начался. я встаю в 5: 50 утром. уже в 6: 00 я завтракаю. в промежуток времени : (6: 30 - 7: 30) я еду в колледж. в промежутке (8: 10-13: 20) я учусь. затем я еду домой столько же, сколько и утром. дома я слушаю музыку, занимаюсь уроками, моюсь, и ложусь спать. как правило, ложусь спать я в 9 часов вечера.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ido everything possible to make the day useful. my day has started. i get up at ten minutes to six in the morning. at six i already have breakfast. in a period from half past six to half past seven i go to college. from ten past eight to twenty past one p.m. a have my lessons. then i go home as much as in the morning. at home i listen to music, do my lessons, wash and go to bed. as a rule, i go to bed at nine p.m.

I'm doing everything possible to make my day useful. my day started . i get up at fifty- five in the morning. already i have breakfast at six o'clock . the period of time (six thirty -seven thirty ) i'm going to college. in the interval (eight of ten - twenty thirteen   ) i am studying . then i'm going home just as much as in the morning . at home i listen to music, doing homework, i wash and go to bed . as a rule, i go to bed at nine pm .

1) hockey has become one of the most popular games in recent years. it is very venturous and competitive2) they usually choose the sea where there are no sharks : d3) figure skating is not just their work or hobby but a whole life. they spend most of the time practicing4) to become a professional one has to be keen on whatever he is doing. obviously he has to fully devote himself to it and to sacrifice everything else

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