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1)we live in the krasnodar territory 2)it consists of highlands and lowland 3)there are a lot of small rivers and lakes in the highlands 4)the krasnodar territory has high developed industry and agriculture which produce a lot of different products из этих предложений сделайте 1)общий вопрос 2)специальный вопрос 3)разделительный 4)вопрос к подлежащему 5)альтернативный вопрос

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. do we live in the krasnodar territory? where do we live? we live in the krasnodar territory, do we? who lives in the krasnodar territory? do we live in the krasnodar territory or in the rostov territory? 2. does it consist of highlands and lowlands? what does it consist of? it consists of highlands and lowlands, does it? what consists of highlands and lowlands? does it consists of highlands and lowlands or of mountains and rivers? 3. are there a lot of small rivers and lakes in the highlands? where are a lot of small rivers and lakes? there are a lot of small rivers and lakes in the highlands, aren't there? what is there in the highlands? are there a lot if rivers and lakes in the highlands or in the lowlands? 4. does the krasnodar territory have high developed industry and agriculture which produce a lot of different products? what does the krasnodar territory have? the krasnodar territory has high developed industry and agriculture which produce a lot of different products, hasn't it? what has high developed industry and agriculture which produce a lot of different products? does the krasnodar or the rostov territory have high developed industry and agriculture which produce a lot of different products?

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