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A) alan b) the boss of the agg factory c) the manager of the tea room d) a university professor e) a worker in the egg factory f) aian s parents 1) wanted him to study law 2) said alan had missed too many classes 3) said she souldn employ alan any more. 4) told alan he was giving him a better jod. 5) said the boss wouldn be happy with alan 6) said he was going back to university

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С-5 д-2 ф-3 е-6 я только эти смогла а а думаю

1. тим делает зарядку каждый день. does tim do his morning exercises every day. tim doesn't do his morning exercises every day. 2эмма встает рано. emma doesn't get up early. does emma get up early 3анна всегда спит допоздна. ann doesn't always sleep late. does anna always sleep late 4его бабушка всегда будит его. his grandmother doesn't always wake him up. does his grandmother always wake him up 5вильсоны обычно завтракают в 7. the wilsons don't normally have breakfast at 7o'clock. do the wilsons normally have breakfast at 7o'clock. 6мой дядя обычно смотрит тв вечером. does my uncle usually watch tv in the evening. my uncle doesn't usually watch tv in the evening. 7. в часто идет дождь. does it often rain in england. it doesn't often rain in england 8 в испании редко идет снег. does it seldom snow in spain. it doesn't seldom snow in spain. 9. мы часто делаем покупки в четверг. do we usually do the shopping on thursday. we don't usually do the shopping on thursday. 10. дети маме помыть посуду. do the children help mother to do the washing up. the children don't help mother to do the washing up

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