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Test 6. complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets. 1. this exercise is too easy – can’t we try а (difficult) one? 2. england’s too cold in spring – let’s go to spain where it’s much (warm). 3. she comes top in all the exams – she must be the (clever) girl in the class. 4. the temperature in july reaches 44 degrees – it’s the (hot) month of the year. 5. let’s buy this video – it doesn’t cost that much – it’s (cheap) than the other one. 6. this book is not so (interesting) as that one. 7. california certainly has а (healthy) climate than new york. 8. when i passed my driving test, it was the (happy) day of my life. 9. lying down in bed is (comfortable) than sitting on а hard chair. 10. that’s the (exciting) story i’ve ever heard. 11. i’d like to have а (good) pen than this one. 12. she is the (young) daughter in the family. 13. australia is much (far) from europe than i thought. 14. the (quick) we finish, the (soon) we’ll go home. 15. this is the (bad) restaurant in town; i’ll never come here again. 16. actions speak (loud) than words. 17. the (good) things in life are free. 18. she was the (boring) person at the party and i sat next to her all evening. it was awful. 19. i have а (bad) headache today than i did yesterday. 20. you’re as (bad) as your sister. test 7. complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets. 1. i could hardly keep awake – it was the (boring) film i’ve ever seen. 2. the (high) you climb, the (far) you fall. 3. bill is (rich) than john. 4. prices have gone up. things aren’t as (cheap) as they used to be. 5. tokyo is (big) than new york.

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1. more difficult 2. warmer 3. cleverest 4. hottest 5. cheaper 6. interesting 7. healthier 8. happiest 9. more comfortable 10. most exciting 11. better 12. youngest 13. further 14. quicker, sooner 15. worst 16. louder 17. best 18. most boring 19. worse 20. bad test 7 1. most boring 2. higher, further 3. richer 4. cheap 5. bigger

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