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Образуйте форму множественного числа (для глагола и существительного). 1. this is a pilot. 2. this is a car. 3. thisis a child. 4. this is a woman. 5. that is an orange. 6. that is a doctor..

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1.there are pilots 2.there are cars 3.there are children 4.there are women 5.there are oranges 6.there are doctors

Communism is a political and economic doctrine which says   that everything must belong to the state and the government is to organize all the production. karl marx  formulated   his idea of communism as «from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs». command economy where strategic decisions  are made   by government and  regulated   by the price system  relied   on the communist doctrine. china is  still    organizing   its economy along communist lines but russia and other former (бывший) soviet union's countries and east-european countries have  recently  moved away   to more market-based economies.

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