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Нужно написать кто где находится сейчас! i/at school a) сейчас , b) кто где был school. school. he/in bed. they/in africa it/in the box we/at the zoo

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Ответы на вопрос:

Gjxsl jxv! jdvvljjlbdcjlgvjldbljfbld c

I(am)(was) at school he (is)(was) in bed they (are)(were) in africa it (is)(was) in the box we (are)(were) at the zoo     в первой скобке берешь слово чтобы составить под буквой а), а во второй скобке, чтобы составить предложение в соответствии с под буквой б)

A) she could get ill. it was cold b)he could sink but his brother saved him c)she could win the championship but she got ill suddenly d)he could be a sportsmen, but he became a teacher e)i could go to london to study, but i remained in moscow a)i think he should try to pass exams again b)the girl should pay attention to her health c)she should go to the pharmacy d)he should go out e)he should be more friendly

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