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Уменя есть бабушка,зовут ее анна,а для меня она-моя любимая бабушка.она добрая,все ее уважают.бабушка 46 лет проработала в больнице доктором. она была первым врачом.бабушка спасла много людей от смерти.я люблю бабушку за ее доброту, отзывчивость и гостеприимство.с моей бабушкой никогда не бывает скучно.у бабушки много книг.она научила меня читать и любить книги. моя бабушка интересный человек, она знает много удивительных перевод без переводчиков please

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave a grandmother, her name is ann, and for me she is just dear granny. she is very kind, everyone respects her. she has been being a doctor for 46 years. she was the first doctor. she has saved many people from death. i love my granny because she is kind,responsive and welcoming. i never feel bored with my granny. she has a lot of books. my grandma is a very interesting person, she knows plenty of interesting stories.

1. they missed the bus and had to return home. 2. put the letter on the table . 3. could you make the table for dinner? 4. he made a great mistake by marrying her. 5. don't you dare raise this questions at the meeting 6. they searched the wood for the lost child. 7. let's pay her a visit tomorrow . 8. avoid using slang in your speech, boys! 9 . how much did he ask for the car? 10. i can't move this basket, it's too heavy.

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