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Написать ответ на письмо по вопросы: 2.what is your favorite tv programm. 1.wtah do you like watching on tv. 3.what programmes do you hate and why минимум 100 и макс 120 слов!

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My favorite program on televizoru- about nature.i love the world around us! he is so beautiful! no wonder almost all the poets wrote about the beauty of nature, i especially like how it did yesenin. pushkin is also nothing but yesenin much better.i really like to watch programs about animals. i love to watch them, and i do when i grow up, i want to live in the forest. to be a hermit and watch the animals. but i am very afraid of them, but when i'm a hermit, stop doing it.i hate entertainment. they distract me and the rest of the very important things. for example, instead of homework, i watch tv. this is not right! that's why i hate the entertainment.yet i hate cartoons, i'm too old for them. multiki- for children, and i'm not a child.i also hate the news, they say the truth. it is best to go out and see what's going on in the real world, not on tv. my conclusion prostoy- not look televizor- do homework!

Вставьте слова  в прошедшем длительном the best thing i was learning this year is how to speak french. i was living in the usa for nine years. my parents were leaving the usa two years ago. bow i live in france. i can talk to all my new friends here. i was studying french from my teachers, friends, family, and tv.

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