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Напиши какими должны быть идеальные родители и идеальные дети. образец: mother must make cakes every day. children mustn't watch tv late in the evening должно быть 8 предложений

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mother should wear nice clothes and always look happy. mother must be patient and self-confident. father should earn a lot of money and buy toys for children. father mustn't yell at children. children should be calm and smart. children should tidy their room every day. children shouldn't argue with parents. children and parents must love each other.

1. he said to me that he would go there on the next day. 2. mary said to me that her father had died a year before. 3. he asked me if it was raining at that nmoment. 4. oleg asked me if she would join them. 5. peter asked me whose team had lost the game the day before.

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