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1. lena said: "i haven't seen him since last year" 2. tom said : "don't make noise". 3. kate said : "i saw a new film yesterday" 4. ann said : "what shall me do with nick? " 5. the teacher said : "you will write a test tomorrow". 6. peter said : "didn't you run arace yesterday? " 7. nick said : "look at my stamps". 8. alek said: "why do you help him". нужно косвенную речь.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. lena said she hadn't seen him since the previous year. 2. tom told them not to make noise. 3. kate said she had seen a new film the previous day. 4. ann wondered what they should do with nick. 5. the teacher said that they would write a test the next day. 6. peter wondered if they had not run a race the previous day.  7. nick invited them to look at his stamps. 8. alek asked them why they helped him.



многие благотворительные организации говорят, что "из-за потепления сейчас больше наводнений и засух. богатые страны должны платить бедным странам, которые затронуты этими проблемами".

почему они так говорят?

ты согласен? зачем? почему бы и нет

Популярно: Английский язык