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Яездил в москву с родителями на летних каникулах. столица оставила у меня впечатление огромного, великого и богатого города. я хотел бы посетить ее еще не один раз. гуляя по центру, я увидел кремль, красную площадь, захоронения разных великих людей у кремлевской стены, в том числе маленький черный мавзолей ленина. видел и знаменитые куранты на башне кремля, бой которых звучит по телевизору на каждый новый год. но больше всего мне понравился собор василия блаженного. своими яркими разноцветными куполами и башенками он напоминает на волшебный дворец. в москве много красивых клумб с цветами и фонтанов. например, на поклонной горе созданы большие цветочные часы, а фонтаны подсвечены ярко-красным светом. их не отличишь от языков пламени. i went to moscow with her parents on summer holidays. capital left me seems huge, great and rich cities. i would like to visit it more than one times. walking through the center, i saw the kremlin, red area, dumping various greats near the kremlin wall, including small black lenin's mausoleum. seen and famous chimes in the tower of the kremlin's battle which sounds on tv every new year. yet most of all i liked the st. basil blessed. his brightly colored domes and towers, he recalled on magic palace. in moscow, a lot of beautiful flowerbeds with flowers and fountains. for example, on poklonnaya mount create more flower clock, and fountains illuminated bright red light. they can not be distinguished from the flames. это просто путешествие

There is an age, and let me call that age golden, when love means to us everything. who hasn't loved in his life? is there a human in the world, who hasn't loved or who doesn't? it would be very sad.  when a person wakes up in the morning feeling love in his heart, he has the best reason to live. at golden age (which is between 16 and 25) nothing seems impossible. you think you can do everything. you think you have the ability and the strength to change the world. you just believe in humanity, in everything that is good in life. love makes people see many things, that sometimes  don't even  exist.   may be it's wrong,sometimes it's just a self-deception, but it's so   as for me there would be no life without love, without true love. in this life, which is full of disapointment, we couldn't do without that sweet little thing. so where love is, all is

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