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2. many people on television. a) dislikes b) does not like c) dislike d) do not dislike 3. i am afraid good for me. a) advices aren't b) advice isn't c) advise isn't d) advises aren't 4. the news on television not very complete yesterday. a) are b) were c) was d) is 5. everybody wanted to know where the police a) are c) was b) were d) is 6. he couldn't tell me what color his mother's . a) hairs are b) hairs were c) hair was d) hair have been 7. ann decided to of articles devoted to this problem. a) serieses b) the series c) series d) a series 8. this car does not belong to john. it is his a) brother-in-law's b) brother's-in-law c) brothers-in-law's d) brother-in-laws 9. i was introduced to father. a) mary's and john b) mary and john c) mary and john's d) mary's and john's 10. parents have not met before. a) ann and alex's b) ann's and alex's c) ann's and alex d) ann and alex 11. television is a very powerful a) medium b) mediums c) media d) medias 12. rome is ¬¬¬ greatest historical and cultural centre. a) italian b) italy c) italian's d) italy's 13. a lot of cows and died because of the polluted water. a) sheeps b) sheep c) sheep's d) sheeps' 14. they will leave on flight. a) tonight b) tonights' c) tonights d) tonight's 5. on her way home she usually bought a slice of honey-cake at a) the bakers b) the baker's c) the bakers' d) the baker 16. doug liked his and often spent summers with them. a) brother's-in-law b) brothers-in-laws c) brother-in-law's d) brothers-in-law 17. his no better than those of many young students one sees every day. a) look is b) look are c) looks are d) looks is 18. eat fruit when ripe. a) it is b) they are c) it has d) they have 19. measles a serious illness. a) is b) has c)are d) does 20. he found of helping them. a) a mean b) a means c) mean d) means

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2c 3b 4b 5c 6c 7d 8a 9c 10b 11c 12a 13a 14d 15a 16d 17c 18a 19d 20d

Яхочу стать фермером. я люблю животных,люблю деревенский образ жизни. у моей бабушки есть корова. я часто бабуле её доить.молока у бурёнки много, и бабушке тяжело, устают   её   старые больные руки.   я с удовольствием дою бурёнушку, сепарировать молоко, сбивать масло, делать творог и варить сыр. сколько всего можно сделать из молока! я решила, что это станет делом моей жизни. я буду хозяйкой огромной фермы. у меня будет много дойных коров. все жители деревни   будут   трудиться   на ферме   и получать   достойную   зарплату. у меня будет и своя фабрика по производству   молочной   продукции. мои   продукты   будут   самыми   вкусными   и качественными!

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