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Vi. 1. my little brother (to sleep) now. 2. he usually (to go) to bed at seven. 3. but yesterday he (to go) to bed very late. 4. next month he (not to go) to school and he hopes he (to get up) at 10 every day. vii. 1. my sister (to buy) a nice dog last month. 2. i hope she (to come) to us with her dog tomorrow. 3. we usually (to play) with her dog when she comes. 4. my mother and i (to read) a book about dogs at the moment. viii. 1. my friend (to teach) his brother to play chess every sunday. 2. i think he (to teach) me to play this game too. 3. last week my father (to bring) me chess. 4. i (to look) at it now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1is sleeping 2goes 3went 4won't go.will get up 1bought 2will come 3play 4are reading 1teaches 2will teach 3brought 4am looking

1)  what                    my name is (твоё имя) 2)  who,  where          my friend is ( имя друга )  she / he in the  country 3)  where                  it is in the box 4)  what                    it is box 5)  where                  my house is in moskva 6)  what                    it is bag

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