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Расскажите о цирковом представлении. употребите глаголы «to be» и «to have» в нужной форме. a traveling circus was visiting a little town. among the attractions were some dogs. each dog to show a trick. one dog to pretend that it could count, another dog to ride a bicycle. at the end of the performance they showed a dog, fray by name, who could play the piano. fray was the chief attraction, and before it began its trick, the manager always stood up and said: "and now, boys and girls, you to be very quiet. fray, our greatest artist to play the piano". the dog sat on a chair, put its paws on the piano and seemed to play it. one day during the performance fray started to play the piano as usual. suddenly one of the boys shouted loudly: "rats". immediately "the artist" jumped off the chair and rushed in the direction of the cry. and here everybody burst out laughing - the piano continued to play.

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1) had to 2)was 3)had to 4) will be 5) has to

as soon as little michelle had been taken to hospital her ankle was x-rayed and the x-ray plates were given to the doctor. he exami­ned her ankle thoroughly and decided that it had to be put in plaster at once. although her ankle was painful, she did not cried  and everybody said how brave the girl was. now michelle's ankle gradually is getting better and the doctor has just told her mother that he will be able to take off the plaster next monday. then she will be sent home if everything is all right.


1. afraid of  2. interested in 3. good at  4. afraid of  5. angry with 6. proud of 7. fond of 8. influence on 9. anxious about 10. be late for 11. proud of 12. is used to 13. fond of 14. satisfied with 15. interested in 16.late for, angry with 17. proud of 18. married to 19. fond of 20. ill with. 21. famous for 22. good at  23. worried about  24. tired of  25. keen on  26. satisfied with  27. surprised at  28. good of 29. taking a lot of interest in 30. angry with 31. married to 32. was made of 33. familiar with 34. full of 35. quilty of

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