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1)give the plural of the following nouns: a subject, a laboratory, a class, a book, a dictionary, a translation, a tape-recorder, a lesson, a shelf, a child, a grownup, a film-strip, a school, an institute, a teacher, a report, a college, a mark, a circle, a story, an examination. 2) fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets: foreign are necessary for the of all (language, languages, representative, representatives, profession, professions) 2. we had to read and to translate a new to give some for a certain grammar and to answer several in english, (text, texts, example, examples, rule, rules, question, questions) 3. i liked to study english very much, so it was pleasant for me to answer all teacher' . (question, questions) 4. i am fond of all dickens' (book, books). he describes the childhood of his very well, (character, characters) 5. we had to explain the of all the in the passive . (formation, formations, tense, tenses, voice, voices) 6. 1 had to translate a from "the adventures of tom sawyer" by mark twain, (passage, passages) 7. our institute choir sang several english . (song, songs). 3) choose the correct form of the noun: i have got good (mark, marks) in all (subject, subjects) . 2. this year 1 hope to pass all my (examination, examinations) well. 3. english is my favourite (subject, subjects) . 4, many (grown-up, grown-ups) and (child, children) speak english. 5. i speak english with my (schoolmate, schoolmates) and with my (teacher, teachers). 6. 1 have got many english (book, books) at home. 7. "oliver twist" is one of my favourite (book, books) . 8. there are (student, students) who speak english well.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a subject - subjects; a laboratory - laboratories; a class - classes; a book - books; a dictionary - dictionaries; a translation - translations; a tape-recorder - tape-recorders; a lesson - lessons; a shelf - shelves; a child - children; a grownup - grownups; a film-strip - film-strips; a school   - schools; an institute - institutes; a teacher - teachers; a report - reports; a college - colleges; a mark - marks; a circle - circles; a story - stories; an examination - examinations. 2 languages, representative, professions text, examples, rule, questions questions books character formations, tenses, voice passage songs 3 marks, subjects examinations subject 4 grown-ups, children schoolmates, teachers books books students.

1) subjects, laboratories, classes, books, dictionaries, translations, tape-recorders, lessons, shelfs, children, grown ups, film-strips, schools, institutes, teachers, reports, colleges, marks, circles, stories, examinations 2)languages, representatives, professions 2. text, questions 3.questions 4.books 5. formations, tenses, voice 6. passage 7.songs 3)marks, subjects 2.examinations 3.subject 4.grown ups, children 5.schoolmates, teachers 6.books 7.books 8.students

A-were b-was c-did d-did e-did f-was, were

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