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Переведите на язык, употребляя глаголы в соответствующем времени 1. она целый день пьёт воду со льдом.2. цветы до сих пор не завяли.3. она постоянно смеётся над ним.4. он всё ещё переводит статью.5. ты давно ждёшь меня? 6. мы играем в теннис завтра.7. я недавно видел его в кинотеатре.8. я редко бывал дома последние 2 месяца.9. у нас соревнования по плаванию завтра в 5 часов вечера.10. в наши дни еда становится всё более дорогой.11. он сейчас обедает.12. ты сейчас веришь в правосудие? 13. я любуюсь закатом солнца.14. фрукты хорошо растут в этом климате.15. что ты там видишь? 16. вода закипает при ста градусах.17. я встречаюсь с друзьями время от времени.18. она работает целый день.19. она никогда не переводила таких трудных статей.20. я до сих пор люблю делать подарки.21. я редко гуляю по утрам.22 я уже закончил писать эту книгу.23. вы всё ещё покупаете книги или берёте их в библиотеке? 24. вы постоянно меня перебиваете.25. завтра в 8 утра мы идём на приём к зубному.26 вы собираетесь закончить эту статью? 27. когда они приезжают в москву? - они приезжают утром.28. с какого возраста ты играешь в шахматы? 29. цена на квартиру всё время растёт.30. сейчас я вижу вас хорошо.31. я восхищаюсь этим человеком.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. all day she drinks water with ice.2. flowers still wilt.3. she constantly laughs at him.4. he's still translating the article.5. how long have you been waiting for me? 6. we're playing tennis tomorrow.7. i recently saw it in the cinema.8. i was rarely at home the last 2 months.9. we have a swimming competition tomorrow at 5 pm.10. in these days food is becoming more expensive.11. he now eats.12. now you believe in justice? 13. i admire the sunset.14. fruits grow well in this climate.15. what do you see? 16. water boils at one hundred degrees.17. i meet with friends from time to time.18. she works the whole day.19. she has never translated such difficult articles.20. i still love to make gifts.21. i rarely walk in the mornings.22 i have already finished writing this book.23. do you still buy books or take them to the library? 24. you constantly interrupt me.25. tomorrow at 8am we go to the reception to the dentist.26 you are going to finish this article? 27. when they come to moscow? - they come in the morning.28. at what age did you play chess? 29. the price is growing all the time.30. now i see you very well.31. i admire this man.

  the school where i study is also quite good but i think several things could be changed there. first of all, my dream school should be modern and well-equipped with large corridors and light classrooms. if i were a principal of school, i’d buy new chairs and tables. also the school needs whiteboards with markers or even smart boards. they would look good in classrooms. smart board is a new technology, which is especially useful for studying. secondly, i would cancel homework. it would be better if children could do all exercises during school hours and then be free. i also think that schoolchildren shouldn’t carry such heavy rucksacks. they could simply leave their textbooks and workbooks at school library, for example. my dream school should have a large playground and a swimming-pool. i love swimming and i would be happy to have swimming lessons instead of other physical exercises. as for the dining-room, i would change the food there and would make the breaks a little longer, so that children can eat without running. i would also like to have a more spacious library with lots of interesting books and magazines. in my dream school all teachers are kind, intelligent and friendly. they are in good relationships with pupils. i would like to go to different concerts, exhibitions, picnics more often with my class. this is the idea of my dream school and i hope that someday schools will become a better place to study.

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