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Переведите, , на .язык. 1. когда ваш инженер вернулся в москву? 2. он вернулся в москву три дня тому назад. 3. петя пошел к доске, написал предложение. 4. что вы делали на уроке вчера? 5. мы переводили предложения с на

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. when your engineer returned to moscow? 2. it returned to moscow three days ago. 3. peter went to a board, wrote offer. 4. what did you do at a lesson yesterday? 5. we translated sentences from russian into english

1.when your engineer returned to moscow? 2. he returned to moscow three days ago. 3. peter went to the blackboard and wrote sentence. 4. what were you doing in the classroom yesterday? 5. we offer translated from russian into english.

i have got a big and cosy room on the first floor of our house. there is a big window with lace curtains in it, so my room is full of light. i spend a great deal of my time in this room: i do my homework, listen to music, read books and chat with my friends via the internet. 

the wallpapers are white with light blue flowers. there is a poster of my favourite music band above my bed. there is also a round mirror hanging on the wall and a small table under it. in the mornings i do my hair in front of it.

i also have a big desk with a table lamp on it.  i do my homework at it and sometimes draw small pictures with colour pencils. i keep my workbooks and exercise books on the shelf above the desk. it is very convenient, as i have everything at hand while doing my homework.

my bed is not big, but comfortable. i like reading in bed before going to sleep, so i have a wall bracket lamp on the wall. i have got a lot of books and there is a bookcase near my bed

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