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Complete the sentences using the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given in brackets. 1. — boris is certainly (clever) than his brother. — yes, and he is (attractive) than his brother peter. in fact, he is (smart) boy i've ever taught. 2. nothing could be (extravagant) than buying such an expensive car. you will have to be (careful) with your money in future. 3. life is getting (hard) and (complicated) with every passing day. 4. it is (effective) method of all, but it is naturally costly. 5. stephen is (intelligent) than any other boy in his group. 6. it has been (cold) day in moscow for thirty years. 7. it's (little) i can do for you, i'm afraid. 8. that was (bad) than he had expected. 9. that was indeed (bad) experience in his career. 10. they naively think that things can only get (good). 11. this is (unbelievable) news i have ever heard. 12. he ate (few) french fries than you did at the picnic. 13. angela is (little) organized than mike. 14. if you ask me, moscow is (beautiful) than any other city in the world. 15. they had (little) and (little) to talk about. 16. it is axiomatic that (great) the student's individual effort, (much) thorough will be his learning. 17. the (much) original a discovery, the (much) obvious it seems afterwards.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) more clever, more attractive, the smartest 2) more extravagant, more careful  3) harder, more complicated 4) the most effective 5) more intellegent 6) the coldest 7) less 8) worse 9) the worst 10) better 11) the most unbelievable 12) fewer 13) less 14) more beautiful

Когда была зима я заболел гриппом.когда мы один раз гуляли с друзьями на улице, мы пошли кататься на санки.я упал в снег лицом.так я и получил грипп.у меня поднялась температура начало болеть горло и я   сильно кашлял.мама вызвала врача он мне прописал таблетки и сказал что мне нужно держать диету и все время лежать.через две недели я выздоровел и теперь катался на санках аккуратней.- вариант when it was winter i got sick with the flu.when we once walked with friends on the street, we went to ride on the sled.i fell into the snow below.i got the flu.i raised the temperature began to sore throat and i was coughing.mom called the doctor he prescribed me some pills and said that i need to go on a diet and all the time lie.two weeks later, i recovered and now sledding down gently.

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