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Нужно вставить нужное слово: 1) the lecturer asked students to at the board. a)watch b)see c)look 2) a continuing television story which is about the heros private troubles is called a)soap opera b)western c)comedy 3) he does most of his in night-clubs. a) leisure b)hobby c)entertaining 4) you shouldn't this film; the rights don't belong to you! a)ruin b)pirate c)replay 5) thank you for the cassette: i am very on music a)keen b)fond c)prefer 6) my mum jazz to pop music. a)likes b)prefers c)fonds 7)he likes he doesn't care for older music. a)pop b)hit c)modern 8) we had no car at that time. we our old one. a)sold b)have sold c)had sold 9) you can have that book. i with it. a)finished b)have finished c)had finished 10) there's no more cheese. we it all, i am afraid. a)ate b)have eaten c)had eaten 11) i was really tired last night. i a hard day. a)had had b)had c)have had 12)don't you want to see the film? it a)starts b)had started c)has started 13)this bill isn't right. they a mistake. a)had made b)have made c)has made 14) we were late. the bus just a) b) c)

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  1) c)look 2) a)soap opera  3) c)entertaining 4) b)pirate 5) a)keen 6) b)prefers 7)c)modern 8) c)had sold 9) b)have finished 10) b)have eaten 11) a)had had 12)c)has started 13)b)have made 14) a)

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