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Раскройте скобки и поставьте сказуемое past simple. переведите. 1. on monday we (to have) 5 lessons. 2. the first lesson (to be) russian. 3. at that lesson we (to write) a dictation. 4. nick (to go) to the blackboard. 5. he (to answer) well and (to get) five. 6. after the second lesson i (to go) to the canteen. 7. i (to eat) sandwiches and (to drink) a cup of tea. 8. i not (to go) home at once. 9. i (to go) to the library. 10. i (to decide) to take a journal. 11. i (to spend) there 2 hours. 12. in the evening i (to be) at home. заранее

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Had wad wrote went answered went drank went went

Winter is a fairy season of a year. i like bright and frosty weather and snowing outside. bizarre patterns are appearing on the window plates. when everything is covered with white snow it seems that you got into some kind of a fairytale. moreover it’s a great time to skiing, sliding, snowballing and making snowman . есть в зиме свое особое волшебство. мне нравятся ясные морозные дни со снегом. в это время появляются причудливые узоры на окнах. а когда всё покрыто белым ковром снега кажется, что ты угодил в какую-то сказку. более того, это отличное время для катания на лыжах, санках, игры снежки и делания снеговиков.

Популярно: Английский язык