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Use the words to make questions.then answer them. 1.moment/the/are/picking/you/flowers/at? 2.scarf/gloves/are/you/a/and/wearning? 3.you/now/leaves/are/raking? 4.raincoat/hava/a/you/got? 5.he/swim/does,t/well? 6.it/outside/is/raining?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) are you picking flowers at the moment? 2)are you wearing a scarf and gloves? 3)are you raking leaves now? 4)have you got a raincoat? 5)does he swim well? 6) is it raining outside?

1 - across, 2 - into, 3 - through, 4 - out of, 5 - on foot, 6 - onto, 7 - across, 8 - onto, 9 - into, 10 - by.

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