22.02.2023 12:58
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Надо ! в сосуде объемом v=2л находится кислород массой m=8 г при давлении 200кпа. какова его температура

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(5 оценок)

Once, while i was walking in a park in london, i saw an old strange-looking man. he was sitting on a bench holding a closed book in his hands. i satdown on the bench and looked at the book. i saw that the book was of great interest. it was a very old copy of early byron's works. i looked at the old man in surprise and undersood that he knew i had sat on the bench because of him and the book he was holding in his hands. i smiled. "it is the last i have," he said and stretched it out to me. i took with the words, "i am a lover of old books."
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