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first of all i want to tell you that my best friend's name is irina and she is 17. she is the best person i have ever met.

a few   words about her appearance. her height is nearly 159 cm. but she'd like to be a bit taller. well, she is not slim but  she is  not fat either. 

irina  has a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerful grey eyes. her skin is a bit pale but she likes this fact, she doesn't like ruddy faces. she has no  freckles as my friend nina has. her forehead is open. i think irina has a charming smile. 

her hair isn't very short but it's not long either. it is  straight and  black. iuina has rich hair.

i think that she looks like her father.

irina is very active and creative, cheerful and curious. but the best thing is that she is reliable. we spend much time together. we go for a walk, we play tennis, watch tv, do things which we like.

i love my friend.



прежде всего, я хочу сказать вам, что мою подруг зовут ирина и ей 17. она самый лучший чловек, которого я когда-либо встречала.

несколько слов об ее внешности. её рост около 159 см. но она хотела бы быть немного выше. ну, она не худенькая, но и не толстая. у ирины круглое лицо, как и у всех, немного длинный нос и большие радостные серые глаза.  ее кожа немного бледная, но ей это нравится, она не любит румяные лица.  у   нее нет веснушек как у моей подруги нины. ee лоб открытый.   я думаю, у ирины очаровательная улыбка.

ее волосы не короткие, но это не длинные. они прямые и   черные. у нее густые волосы. я думаю, что она похожа на своего отца.

ирина активная и творческая, жизнерадостная и любознательная. но самое главное - она надежная. мы проводим много времени вместе. мы ходим гулять, играем в теннис, смотрим телевизор, делаем вещи, которые нам нравятся.

я люблю мою подругу.

не совсем то но посмотри может что то выберешь

we have always heard of the famous proverb ‘a friend in need is a friend in deed'. but all we understand is almost nothing in terms of this simple yet complex relationship. friendship is one of the most precious relationships and how to be an ideal friend is an equally important question when maintaining this relationship is concerned.you tend to be friends with many around you. but you are not a real or an ideal friend to all of them. there are several answers to the question of how to be an ideal friend. all you need to do is, go through them and help yourself build a better relation with your dear friend.being an ideal friend is not an easy job. there are complexities, fights, misunderstandings, arguments and so on to bring your and your friend's spirit down. but an ideal friend is one who gets over all these little obstacles and stays by his/her friend under all circumstances.      be original: you need to be a real person in front of your friend to be an ideal friend. being pretentious and fake does not work here. an ideal friend is one who is an honest being and never or seldom hides from his/her good friend.              accept them as they are and vice versa: you and your friend may not be perfect. we all have shortcomings in us. but accepting the person as they are only rewards an ideal friendship.              be a good listener: an ideal friend does not give sermons every time. he/she listens to every word of yours carefully and guides you. being a good listener is an art as it requires your attention and care towards your dear friend.              always there for you: no matter what happens, if a friend is always by your side, such a friend is indeed an ideal friend. it's the same for you. you are an ideal friend, if under all circumstances you are there for your friend.              dependable: you as a friend need to be a dependable so that your friend can trust and tell you all. your friend on the other hand also needs to be dependable so that you can trust him/her.              give space: try not to be a pest to your friend. you must certainly give space to your friend so that the relationship blossoms in its own way.              never loose touch: you must always be in touch with your friend. there may be times when he/she cannot express all to you. in such a case being in touch helps. as an ideal friend you get to know all even before the person personally expresses it to you.

c) Do they speak English?

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