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Write out sentence starting with if or unless instead of each pair 1-5. star wars in 2984 1. aliens will attack our planet. hollywood will protect people. 2. hollywood stars will dress up as supermen. aliens will panic and flee. 3. hollywood directors will use their special effects. the enemy will think they are real. 4. people won’t watch hollywood movies. the industry of imagination won’t grow. 5. there will be no hollywood stars. the earth will be defeated in the 2984 star war. 1. if aliens ……………….. , hollywood ………… people. 2. if hollywood stars …………………………………….. 3. if ……………………………………………………….. 4. unless people ………………………………………….. 5. ………………………………………………………… .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if aliens  attack our planet, hollywood  will protect  people. 2. if hollywood stars  dress up as supermen, aliens will panic and flee. 3. if  hollywood directors use their special effects, the enemies will think they are real. 4. unless people  watch hollywood movies, the industry of imagination won’t grow. 5. unless there are no  hollywood stars, the earth will be defeated in the 2984 star war.

Happy birthday, dear the magnificent queen of great britain! please, take my congratulations with this the happiest moment in your life! i want to wish you a lot of health, luck and success in you government. let your country always be so wonderful, that it is now

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