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Разберите слова по составу и определите глагол, существительное, прилагательное или наречие это слово. west, westward, western, reminder, mindless, long, prolong, length, lengthy, marry, marriage, married, unmarried, premarital, postman, postal, postbox, possible, impossible, possibly, possibility, childish, childhood, childless, childlike, childbirth, bookish, bookbinder, booklet, bookshelf, booklover, pronounce, pronunciation, pronounced, unpronounceable, encourage, courageous, courageously, seldom, mathematics, kingdom, fluent, airport

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Ответы на вопрос:

Глаголы: prolong, marry существительные: west, reminder, length, marriage, postman, postbox, possibility, childhood, childbirth, bookbinder, booklet, bookshelf, booklover, pronounce, pronunciation, encourage, mathematics, kingdom, airport прилагательные: westward, western, mindless, long, married, unmarried, premarital, postal, possible, impossible, childish, childless, childlike, bookish, pronounced, unprounceable, courageous, fluent наречия: possibly, courageously, seldom

Played was cooking doesnt play will do i am gong to do washed was washing was slepping will translate i am going to translate

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