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Подскажите синонимы к словам every, own, countri.

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Ответы на вопрос:

every - each, everyone

own - mine, my

country-state, region

1.any2.his;   native3.state

17. he was ill last week, but now he has recovered. 18. if everybody has  read this new novel, let's discuss it. 19. have you  booked tickets? -yes, i booked them several days ago. 20. i can hardly recognize you. i haven't seen you since you left for moscow. and you have  changed so much. 21. have you read all the books on this shelf? 22. i haven't seen my cousin since last year. 23. why have  you put these things in the wrong place? 24. why have  you left the door open? you will catch cold sitting in the draught. 25. "we haven't met for such a long time! " said my friend. "yes, indeed," i answered, "and we both have grown."

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