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Вставь артикли: a \ an, the или нечего 1. l.caroll english writer, isn't he? 2. we dress. dress is red. 3. my brother is poet. his friend are poets too. 4. would you like glass of jujce? - yes, please. 5. stogovs are good friends. 6. emily lives in baker street in . london. 7. he would like to visit bloody tower. 8. my cousin is best pupil in the school.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Aa the a a the the the

If i talk to you now, i'll miss the bus,(talk,miss)if i miss the bus, i'll be late for work.(miss, be)  if i am late for work, my boss will be angry with me. (be, be)if my boss is angry with me, i'll lose my job. (be, lose)

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