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Нужно заполнить таблицу! в настоящем времени find а в прошедшем (yes) found и (not) didn t find! и так со словами read.look.draw.go.make.lay.do.feed.и run! ♥

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Ответы на вопрос:

not found

read-yes read-didnt read

look-yes looked-didnt look

draw-yes drew-didnt draw

go-yes went-didnt go

make-yes made-didnt make

lay-yes laid-didnt lay

do-yes did-didnt do

feed-yes fed-didnt feed

run-yes ran-didnt run

Read: read; didn't read look: looked; didn't look draw: drew; didn't draw go: went; didn't go make: made; didn't make lay: laid, didn't lay do: did; didn't do feed: fed; didn't feed run: ran; didn't run

his flat is in a new house. there are three rooms in the flat.  the living-room is the largest of all. it is a nice light room. there are pictures on the walls. there is a round table in  the middle of  the room. there is  a sofa at  the wall with large thick carpet in front of it. a study and a bedroom are small, but very comfortable.

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