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Сразу говорю нашла в интернете ) я живу на сосновой улице. это тихая улочка на окраине нашего города. она зеленая весной и летом. на ней много деревьев. тротуары обсажены липами. а в садах у людей много фруктовых деревьев и сирени. в мае вся улица превращается в цветущий сад. на сосновой мало транспорта. воздух свежий, он не загрязнен выхлопными газами. я люблю возвращаться домой на нашу улицу после дня, проведенного в центре города. я терпеть не могу шум и сутолоку в центре. я бы не хотел жить на другой улице.перевод на : i live in sosnovaya street. it is a very quiet street on the outskirts of our city. it; s very green in spring and summer. there are a lot of trees in it. the side-walks are lined with lime-trees. there are also many fruit-trees and lilacs in the people; s gardens. in may the whole street turns into a blooming garden. there isn; t much traffic in sosnovaya street. the air is fresh, it isnt polluted with gases. i like to come back to our street after a day spent in the centre of the city. i hate noise and crowds in downtown. i wouldn; t like to live in a different street.

1. mr. orlov said that he will soon leave for a business trip abroad. 2 - in what is now the airport arriving planes from england? - i dont know. last year they came to sheremetyevo airport. 3. mr ivanov told us that they were the other day signed a contract for chemical equipment with one of the german companies. 4. the plane has not taken off when we left the airport. 5. the passenger said he had already passed customs inspection i'zhdet announcement of boarding the aircraft used. we did not know what things are subject to duty, and decided to ask the customs officers. 7. mr. nosov was instructed to contact the firm patterson and find out when they can ship the goods. 8. although we have sent us their catalogs and price lists 2 weeks ago, we have not yet received a reply from them. 9. - in which company you are going to place an order for chemical equipment? - the firm "baker and his sons." they are large (big) exporters of chemical equipment. 10 - how much time we need to get to the airport by car? - i think half an hour. 11. yesterday, i ordered tickets at the art theatre. there is a new show. i've heard a lot about it and i'd like to see it. 12. what happens daily flights to st. petersburg?

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