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Translate the sentences and explain the usage of modal verbs 1. who can answer my question? 2.nobody could translate the text? 3.he ought to do this task at once 4.must i attend this meeting? -no, you needn't 5.they should visit her,she is in hospital. 6.your son can do this work himself. 7.would you tell me the way to the station? 8.may i leave for a while? -yes,you may. 9.you should be more attentive at the lessons. 10.you needn't come so earlu.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Перевести приговоров и объяснить использование модальных глаголов 1. кто может ответить на мой вопрос? 2. никто не может перевести текст? 3.he должны сделать эту сразу 4. должен ли я присутствовать на этой встрече? нет, вам не нужно 5. они должны посетить ее, она находится в больнице. 6. ваш сын может делать сам эту работу. 7. не могли бы вы рассказать мне путь к станции? 8. могу ли я оставить на некоторое время? -да, ты можешь. 9. вы должны быть более внимательными на уроках. 10. вам не нужно прийти так earlu.

1)   russia began exploring space with launchinig sputnik-1 in 1957.  2) then the first animal was put into earth's orbit , it was the dog laika on sputnik-2. 3)   on the 12th of april, 1961 the first person was launched into space and he orbited the earth. 4) it was yuri gagrin who orbited the earth on the spaceship vostok-1   and he spent in space 108 minutes.5) cosmonaut number 2 was german titov who spent 24 hours   in space. he flew on the spaceship vostok-2 in august,1961 and he was the first man to sleep in space.6) the first woman in space was valentina treshkova who was launched on the spaceship vostok-6 in 1963.7) the first person to walk in space was cosmonaut   aleksey leonov.  he was launched in space on the spaceship  voskhod-2 in 1965.8) the first cosmonauts to spend over one year in space were vladimir titov and musa manarov on board the space station mir in  1987.

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