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Exercise 10. put the verbs into the correct form. all the sentences are past. example: didn’t go …… (not/go) to work yesterday because i … wasn’t … (not/be) very well tom ……(not/shave) this morning because he ……… (not/have) time. we ………(not/eat) anything because we ………(not/be) hungry. i ………(not/rush) because i ……………(not/be) in a hurry. she …….(not/be) interested in the book because she /understand) it. he ..……/invite) me to the party, so i …………….(not/come).

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Ответы на вопрос:

Tom didn't shave this morning because he had not time. we didn't eat anything because we were not hungry. i didn't rush because i wasn't in a hurry. she didn't interested in the book because she didn't understand it. he didn't invite me to the party,so i didn't come.


1. Обведите «голову» красным.

2. Обведи  "рука" в синем цветом.

3. Обведи "нога" в желтий цвет.


Популярно: Английский язык