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183. раскройте скобки, употребляяглаголыводномизследующихвремен: present continuous, present simple, past simple или future simple. 1. he (to spend) last summer in the country. 2. he (not to spend) last summer in the country. 3. he (to spend) last summer in the country? 4. where he (to spend) last summer? 5. she (to help) mother yesterday. 6. she (not to help) mother yesterday. 7. she (to help) mother yesterday? 8. how she (to help) mother yesterday? 9. kate (to cook) dinner every day. 10. kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 11. kate (to cook) dinner now. 12. kate (to cook) dinner yesterday. 13. i (not to eat) ice-cream every day. 14. i (not to eat) ice-cream now, 15. i (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow. 16. i (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday. 17. you (to go) to school every day? 18. you (to go) to school now? 19. you| (to go) to the south next summer? 20. you (to go) abroad last summer? 21. what your brother (to do) every day? 22. what your brother (to do) now? 23. what your brother (to do) tomorrow? 24. what your brother (to do) yesterday?

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1. he   spent (to spend) last summer in the country. 2. he   didn’t spend (not to spend) last summer in the country. 3.did   he   spend (to spend) last summer in the country? 4. where did he spend   (to spend) last summer? 5. she helped   (to help) mother yesterday. 6. she didn’t help (not to help) mother yesterday. 7.did   she   help (to help) mother yesterday? 8. how did   she help   (to help) mother yesterday? 9. kate   cooks (to cook) dinner every day. 10. kate will cook (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 11. kate   is cooking (to cook) dinner now. 12. kate cooked (to cook) dinner yesterday. 13. i don’t eat   (not to eat) ice-cream every day. 14. i am not eating   (not to eat) ice-cream now, 15. i wont eat (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow. 16. i didn’t eat   (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday. 17. do you go   (to go) to school every day? 18.are   you   going (to go) to school now? 19.will  you go   (to go) to the south next summer? 20.did   you go   (to go) abroad last summer? 21. what does your brother   do (to do) every day? 22. what is your brother doing   (to do) now? 23. what will your brother do   (to do) tomorrow? 24. what  did   your brother do (to do) yesterday?

1three languages  are spoken in switzerland.  2 the fifa world cup was stolen by thieves.  3 penicillin was  discovered by  alexander fleming.  4 everest has been climbed by about 1,500 people.  5 the nobel peace prize is awarded  every year.  6 water on mars has been  discovered.

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