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Проверьте мое сочинение "куда можно поехать в казахстане" на наличие ошибок. я переводил через переводчик, исправьте ошибки (там может быть неправильно переведено слово, запятой нет и т.д) в казахстане есть много озер, мои любимые это алаколь и . я знаю много красивых мест куда можно поехать отдыхать. на мой взгляд астана один из красивейших городов, когда я туда ездил то больше всего мне понравился океанариум и байтерек. также можно поехать в алмату, это красивый город, там теплый климат, мне просто нравилось гулять в алмате. я живу в семипалатинске, город не красивый, но тут есть реликтовый бор, которых всего два в мире. недавно начали строить новую набережную. летом можно съездить на котлованы, это небольшое, но красивое озеро. слышал, что есть великолепное озеро-боровое. забыл сказать, в алмате есть чудесный заповедник, там собрано множество разных животных, наверное, это самый большой заповедник в казахстане. те кто любит достопримечательности могут поехать в туркестан, это древний город с большой , сам я там не был но мне много про него рассказывали. это все места куда можно поехать в казахстане. in kazakhstan, there are many lakes, my favorite is the balkhash and alakol. i know many beautiful places where you can go to relax. in my opinion astana is one of the most beautiful cities, when i went there that most of all i liked the aquarium and baiterek. you can also travel to almaty, it is a beautiful city, there is a warm climate, i just liked to walk in almaty. i live in semipalatinsk, the city is not very beautiful, but there is a relict forest, of which only two in the world. recently we began to build a new quay. in summer, you can go to the pits, this small but beautiful lake. i have heard that there is a great lake borovoe. i forgot to say, in almaty, there is a wonderful nature reserve, it raised many different animals, probably, it is the largest nature reserve in kazakhstan.those who like attractions can go to turkestan, is an ancient city with a long history, i've never been there was not there but i was told a lot about it. perhaps it's the place where you can go to kazakhstan.

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There are many lakes in kazakhstan. my favorite ones are balkhash and alakol. i know many beautiful places where you can go to relax. in my opinion, astana is one of the most beautiful cities. when i went there i liked the aquarium and baiterek most of all. you can also travel to almaty. it is a beautiful city with warm climate. i just liked to stroll through the city. i live in semipalatinsk which i think is not so beautiful, but there is a relict forest, one of the only two in the whole world. recently, they began building a new quay. in summer, you can go to the pits - small but beautiful lakes. i hear that there is a great lake borovoe. i forgot to tell you that in almaty, there is a wonderful nature reserve with many different animals. it is, probably, the largest nature reserve in kazakhstan. those who like sightseeing can go to turkestan - an ancient city with a long history. i've never been there but i have heard a lot about it. perhaps, it's the place where you would like to go to in kazakhstan.

Взгляд-mind потому,  что  от слова  opinion    будет совсем другой смысол   

1. yes, they can. 2.1)traveller can lost your passport, or sombody can steal it. 2)travelling is very expensive pleasure and may not have enough money for travelling 3)someone can steal your money and credit cards 3. 1)the traveler must know english 2)traveller should explore the area before traveling 3)he must be careful and keep all valuables with you

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