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Вставить в текст нужные артикли артикли 6 класс (биболетова) choose the right answer 1 variant 1. what is … longest river in the world? а) a b) the c) - 2. nick’s brother is … writer. a) a b) the c) - 3. it is 5 o’clock in … morning. a) the b) a c) - 4. moscow is … capital of russia. a) a b) the c) - 5. marilyn monroe was … actress. a) an b) the c) - 6. jane is … tallest girl in our class. a) a b) the c) - 7. where is … everest situated? a) a b) the c) - 8. would you like … cup of coffee? a) a b) the c) – 9. … moon goes round … sun. a) a b) the c) – 10. … tigers are wild animals a) a b) the c) - 11. volga is longest river in russia. a) -, the, the, b) the, the, - c) the, - , - 12. i'd like to go to excursion to crimea. a) - b) a c) the 13. … willams is a hospitable family a) a b) the c) – 14. the highest mountains are ….. alps. a) the b) – c) a 15. many ships come to london along river thames. a) - , the b) - , - c) the, the 16. you can see beautiful pictures in … tretyakof gallery. a) a b) the c) – 17. uk is an island state. a) a b) the c) 18. australia is world's largest island and its smallest continent. a) the, the b) - , the c) -, - 19. california is one of most attractive places in usa. a) the, the, the b) - , - , the c) - , the, the 20. canada is situated in north america. a) - , - b) - , the c) the, the 21. the capital of united states of america is washington d.c. a) the, - b) the, the c) - , - 22. the three main parts of gb are scotland, england and wales. a) the, the, the, the b) the, - , - , - c) - , - , - , - 23. __asia and africa are continents. a) the, the b) a, a c) – 24. can you show me the way to …. kunstkammer? a) a b) the c) – 25. the civil war was fought between north and south. a) a, a b) -- c) the, the 26. _ alps are covered with snow. a) a b) the c) --

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what is … longest river in the world? b) the 2. nick’s brother is … writer. a) a 3. it is 5 o’clock in … morning. a) the 4. moscow is … capital of russia. b) the 5. marilyn monroe was … actress. a) an 6. jane is … tallest girl in our class.  b) the 7. where is … everest situated?   c) - 8. would you like … cup of coffee? a) a 9. … moon goes round … sun.  b) the b) the  10. … tigers are wild animals  c) - 11. volga is longest river in russia.  b) the, the, - 12. i'd like to go to excursion to crimea.a c) the 13. … willams is a hospitable family  b) the 14. the highest mountains are ….. alps. a) the 15. many ships come to london along river thames. a) - , the 16. you can see beautiful pictures in … tretyakof gallery. b) the 17. uk is an island state. b) the 18. australia is world's largest island and its smallest continent. b) - , the 19. california is one of most attractive places in usa. c) - , the, the 20. canada is situated in north america. a) - , - 21. the capital of united states of america is washington d.c. a) the, - 22. the three main parts of gb are scotland, england and wales. c) - , - , - , - 23. __asia and africa are continents. c) – 24. can you show me the way to …. kunstkammer? b) the c) –  оба варианта используются (первый чаще)25. the civil war was fought between north and south. b) -- 26. _ alps are covered with snow. b) the

1. he would tell
2. she would do her homework
3. he will send a message
4. she would run away
5. he would complain to
6. she would look for

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