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Поставить глаголы в правильную форму (present perfect simple,present perfect continuous,past simple) last year, when 1(lose) my job, i 2(think) it was the end of the world. instead, so far this 3(turn out) to be one of the best years of my life! since last year, l 4(work) with the team that's protecting a nearby lake, and l 5(never enjoy) anything so much. we 6(keep) records for the last six months of all the birds that live near the lake, and we 7(just prepare) a report about it for a local tv station. when i 8(take) this job a year ago l (think) it was just for a short time, but now i think i 10 find) my ideal job!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Last year, when 1(lost) my job, i 2(thought) it was the end of the world. instead, so far this 3(has turned out) to be one of the best years of my life! since last year, l 4(have been working) with the team that's protecting a nearby lake, and l 5(have never enjoyed) anything so much. we 6(have been keeping) records for the last six months of all the birds that live near the lake, and we 7(have just prepared) a report about it for a local tv station. when i 8(took) this job a year ago l (thought) it was just for a short time, but now i think i 10 have found my ideal job!

1.lost 2.thought 3.have turned 4.have been working 5.have never enjoyed 6.have been  keepting 7. have just prepared 8.took 9.thought 10.have found

1. If the weather IS fine tomorrow, we WILL GO swimming.

2. If my parents BUY me a bike, I WILL BE happy.

3. I WILL WRITE letters to all my friends when I RETURN home next month.

4. We WILL MISS each other and our camp when we COME back to our countries.

5. Nick WILL BE the captain of our football team when we PLAYS next week.

6. Alice WILL TELL us about the history of her city if we GO on an excursion to Oxford.

7. If it RAINS in the evening,we WON'T GO to the stadium,we WILL WATCH TV

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