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Краткое описание любого сказочного героя на языке (кот в сапогах,домовенок кузя,и т.д)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Puss in boots is very brave. he wears a hat and boots with a sword. кот в сапогах смелый. он ходит в шляпе сапогах и со шпагой.

1. my friend helped her mother at home yesterday.  2. what did you read last night?   3. i went to kiev last year.  4. on a plate in the big apple.  5. in the park had no children.  6. in your room a lot of interesting books?   7. yesterday the house of milk.  8. did you go to school yesterday?   9. yesterday mary had not fulfilled home zadaniami celebrated halloween last year?

Популярно: Английский язык