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25 , реально надо! переведите в косвенную речь прошедшего времени! about benny's cousins "granny, have i any cousins? " "yes benny! you have two." "whose children are they? how old they? are they boys are or girls? " "not so many questions at once, please, benny! your cous- ins are: a five-year-old boy, georgie, and four-year-old girl, a may. they are your aunt emily's children. they are in canada now with their parents: aunt emily, my daughter, and her your husband, mr. thomas brown." "in canada? what's canada, granny? where is it? " canada country. it is in the north of ameri- is a far-away "in the north of america? where is it? is it as far as london? " "oh, no benny! it's much farther." "but, " "come along, my dearest. it's just the time for your midday milk."

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Benny asked granny if he had any cousins. she said that he had two. benny asked whose children they were, and how old they were, and if they were boys or girls. granny warned not to ask so many questions at once. she said that his cousins were a five-year-old boy, georgie, and four-year-old girl, may. and she added they were his aunt emily's children, and they were in canada at that time with their parents: aunt emily, granny`s daughter, and aunt emily`s husband, mr. thomas brown. benny wondered what canada was and where it was. granny answered canada was a country, it was in the north of america, and it was far-away. benny wondered where the north of america was. he wanted to know if it was as far as london. granny answered it was much farther. benny would like to disagree with granny. but granny interrupted him and added it was just the time for his midday milk.

1 картинка Mum is cooking in the kitchen.

2 картинка Sophie is tidying her room.

3 картинка We are taking the hamster up to my room.

4 картинка  I'm ... cleaning the living room.


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