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Дополните предложенияam / is / are/was/were/will be ,переведите. 1. they … from france. 2. his wife’s name … jane. 3. it … rainy yesterday. 4. i … a first – year student. 5. … you a doctor? 6. it … not my book. 7. how old … your parents in 1998? 8. what nationality … her husband? 9. we … busy next week. 10. i… not tall.

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Ответы на вопрос:

They are his wife`s name is it is i will be are are is will be was

1 You need help with your English homework.

"Mum, will you help me with my English homework?"

2 You want your friend to watch a film with you.

"Im sure the film willn't be boring. My brother said it was rather interesting."

3 The weather is bad, but you want to go swimming.

"I hope the weather will get better soon and we will go


4 You are hungry and want to eat something.

I will make

a chicken sandwich for a snack."

5 You want to tell your friend exciting news.

You willn't believe it! I'm going to the USA!"

6 You want your friend to go windsurfing with you.

"Come on, John! Let's go windsurfing. lt will be

really exciting!"


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