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Хелп ми )) переведите на 1. чтобы купить картон и бумагу, мы пошли в магазин "сделай сам" (diy). 2. он так устал, что бросился на землю и тут же заснул. 3. уверен, что на концерте вы получите огромное удовольствие. 4. они никогда не позволяют себе опаздывать на уроки. 5.она посмотрела на себя в зеркало и улыбнулась. 6. ты такой мокрый! возьми полотенце и вытрись поскорее. 7. не беспокойся. я сделаю все сам.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. to buy some cardboard and paper, we went to a diy. 2. he was so tired that he fell to the ground and was immediately asleep. 3. i am sure that you will enjoy the concert . 4. they never allow themselves to be late for lessons. 5. she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. 6. you're so wet! take a towel and dry yuorself quickly. 7. do not worry. i'll do everything myself.

1) this big group of animals doesn't (include) insects. 2) no one gives (breakable) things to babies. it may be dangerous. 3) a daffodil is a (plant). 4) let me congratulate you all (with) your successful project. 5) i don't think that water lilies can grow in dry (soil). 6) i don't believe jack, i think he made his story (up). 7) i can see only one photo in the album. where are (the others)? 8) i would like you to speak about biology in a (scientific) way

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