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Написать ответное hello, my friend! i'm having a hard time now. i am studying hard my a-levels. i'm just sick and tired of doing exams all the time. i feel like i am losing control. what can i do to take it easy? how can i cope with my tiredness and headaches? i am also worried that my best friend is mad at me. what should i do to put things right with my best friend? in addition, my parents are in the middle of getting back soon and tell me all your news. ответ надо в официальной форме писать, но просто отдельными предложениями тоже пойдет))

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello my dear friend! after reading your letter, i felt like you feel bad.you're very tired and i recommend to you a good rest, because it is so important to protect your health. yes, good grades is very important, but you need to take a break sometimes.your friend i think you need to talk to him frankly. discuss the problem, tell each other about their experiences, and there, and everything will look.your parents oh! in adults, ever so many problems but do not worry, everything will sooner or later all will be adjusted. and remember, even in bad weather, there is a ray of sunshine.   everything is super and good luck!

1  A: Look at the time! We are going to be late for the meeting.

 B: Sorry, I will get (get) the blueprints right away.

2 A: I can't believe we've finished the site survey.

 B: I know. This time next week, we will be presenting our findings to the   board.

3  A: Do you think people will grow (grow) food on vertical farms in a hundred years?

  B: I'm not sure, but I think that by 2100, we will have discovered (discover)  new types of buildings to deal with overpopulation.

4  A: Could you help me with this analytical sketch?

  B: Well, I'm swamped right now, but I will give (give) you a hand later.

5 A: Will Saule get a job as an architect after his degree?

  B: Oh, he's already got one. By the end of the year, he will have been

   working (work) for six months already.​


1А: Посмотрите на время! Мы опоздаем на встречу.

Б: Извините, я сейчас же беру чертежи.

2 A: Я не могу поверить, что мы закончили исследование сайта.

Б: Я знаю. В это же время на следующей неделе мы будем  представлять наши выводы совету директоров.

3 А: Как вы думаете, будут ли люди выращивать пищу на вертикальных фермах через сто лет?

Б: Я не уверен, но я думаю, что к 2100 году мы освоим новые типы зданий для борьбы с перенаселением.

4 А: Не могли бы вы мне с этим аналитическим наброском?

Б: Ну, я сейчас завален, но я тебе позже.

5 A: Получит ли Сауле работу архитектора после получения степени?

Б: О, у него уже есть работа. К концу года он будет работать уже полгода.​

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