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Fill the spaces by inserting 'can/could' or 'may/might' (or the negative forms). 1. leave the room? is the lesson over? 2. you stand on your head? — i when i was at school but i now. 3. i smoke here? — no, you . smoking is not allowed. 4. you type? — yes, type but do shorthand. i come in? — please do. 6. fruit? 7. he answer the teacher's questions yesterday, but he answer the same questions today. i come and see you this evening? — of course you .. 9. when i first went to spain read spanish.but i speak it. 10. he said that use his flat whenever we liked. 11. there was a lot of noise in the street last night, and i sleep. 12. i borrow your umbrella? 13. the boys wait for him, they have no time for that. 14. it's very cold. i shut the windows?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. may 2. can, could, cannot 3. may , may not 4. can, can, cannot 5. may 6. can 7. could not, can 8. may, may 9. could, could not 10. could 11. could not 12. may 13. cannot 14. may

1.he usually helps me with my homework. helps от глагола help в pr. simple ставится s к глаголу, если подлежащие 3 ие лицо ед. число ( she, he, it)  2.  my brother"s wife will be  a teacher. s - притяжательный падеж. brother существительное. жена (чья? ) брата. чья - это s с апострофом.  3.the inhabitants of new jork are fond of their city.  s множественное число у существительных. inhabitant один житель, inhabitants много жителей. 

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