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Traveling is the best thing to spend time. there are many ways of traveling: by car, by train, by air or by sea.   everybody can choose what the way is more suitable for him according to the price and duration. if you want to buy an inexpensive or budget ticket, you should think ahead, and it doesn`t matter you are going to travel by train or by plane. but i would like to say about a modern way of travelling like “couchsurfing”. it is an international online service that allows finding a place for temporary staying in a foreign country without money. couchsurfing connects travelers willing to communicate and share the experience. with the help of site, you make your own profile. when you choose the country you want to visit, you can look through the other profiles to find people you might stay with. when you find some potential hosts, carefully review their profile and send a request for the dates you’ll be there.  and wait for the answers. it is easy! it doesn`t really matter what way of travelling you choose, the main aim is to enjoy of your trip.

i spent my summer in a camp which is situated in moscow. i'd like to tell you a little bit about it. firstly, when i came to my room, i was shocked, because it was decorated so brilliant and i really didn't have a desire to go somewhere else. after an hour my roommate came. we talked about our schools and found that we had a lot in common. this girl also liked to play volleyball like me and we decide to play it somewhere. we found such a wonderful place in the park near our camp, where we can play. after that we played there everyday. the food in our camp was really delicious. we've never missed dinner, because the dessert was amazing.  in the camp  we should go to bed in ten o'clock, but when the keeper turns the light off we chat and laughing but not too loud, because  she can hear us. we watch a lot of movies there and read some books. so i think that i spent the time in the camp very good.



я провела лето в лагере, который находится в москве. я хочу немножко  рассказать вам  об этом. изначально,когда я пришла в свою комнату, я была шокирована, потому что она была прекрасно обставлена и у меня действительно не было никакго желания идти куда-либо еще. через час пришла моя соседка по комнате. мы поговорили о наших школах и обнаружили, что у нас много общего. эта девочка также как и я любит играть в волейбол и мы решили  где-нибудь поиграть в него. мы нашли отличное место в парке неподалеку от нашего лагеря, где мы могли поиграть. потом мы играли там каждый день. еда в нашем лагере была действительно вкусной. мы никогда не пропускали обед, потому что десерт был восхитительным. в лагере нам нужно было ложиться в кровать в 10 вечера, но когда смотрительница  выключала свет, мы болтали и смеялись, но не громко, потому что она могла нас услышать. мы посмотрели много фильмов и прочитали некоторые книги. так что я считаю, что я провела время в лагере хорошо.

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