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Find the english equivalents for these phrases in the texts. (найти эквивалент этих фраз в текстах) 1.чудеса природы,на границе между,трудно поверить,огромное количество воды 2.разделять,движущиеся дюны,достигать высоты,принадлежать 3.быть сделанным из,на склонах,большое число насекомых 4.бфть разных форм и ярких цветов,защищаться от врагов,уникальные растения и животные

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the wonders of nature, on the border between, hard to believe, a huge amount of water 2. share, moving dunes reach a height, to belong 3. to be made of, on the slopes, a large number of insects 4. to be of different shapes and bright colors, protect yourself against enemies, unique plants and animals

1. do they ususally have all twelve grapes? 2.  who usually has all twelve grapes? 3.  what do they usually have? 4.  how many grapes do they usually have? 5.  when do they have all twelve grapes? 6.  they usually have all twelve grapes, don't they? 7.  do they usually have all twelve or twenty grapes? 8.  how often do they have all twelve grapes?

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