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Напишите предложения с if середине i can understand you you don’t wear a coat it will be nice you don’t pass your exam you’ll be cold if you explain the problem to them what are you going to do you speak slowly i’m sure they’ll understand you can come to the party 1. i can understand you if you speak slowly. 2. it 3. you’ll 4. what 5. i’m

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. i can understand you if you speak slowly. 2. it if you can come to the party. 3. you’ll be cold if you don’t wear a coat. 4. what are you going to do if you don’t pass your exam.5. i’m sure they’ll understand if you explain the problem to them.

2.it will be nice if you can come to the party 3. you will be cold if you don't wear a coat 4.what are you going to do if you don't pass your exam? 5.i'm sure they/ll understand you if you explain the problem to them

a famous architect built the bridge. - знаменитый архитектор построил мост.


а)was built - страдательный залог - не подходит, потому что архитектор сам построил мост


б)have built - не подходит, потому что к слову архитектор нужен глагол has


в)built - вторая форма, прошедшее простое время

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