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Переведите ! заранее ! peter parker is a quiet teenager. he lives in a small hous in new york city with his aunt mary. peter hasnot got many friends. his best friends, mary jane, lives next door. one day, a spider bites peter in a science lad . now he is got walls,just like a spider! people love him. can spider-man stop him? watch this brilliant film to find out.

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Питер паркер тихий подросток. он живет в небольшом доме в нью-йорке со своей тетей марии. петр не получил много друзей. его лучшие друзья, мэри джейн, живет по соседству. однажды, паук кусает петра в научной парень. теперь он получил стены, как паук! люди любят его. может человек-паук остановить его? смотрите эту блестящую пленку, чтобы узнать.

1. when i was walking down the street, i saw an accident 2. i did not meet my old friend when i was staying in prague 3. she walked into a tree while she was talking on her mobile phone  4. while he was shopping, he lost his wallet  5. when i was doing the washing-up, i broke a glass 6. when they were driving home, they ran out of petrol 7. he broke the key while he was trying to open the door 8. not swin (что это за   /hear the screams (we)

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